Looking back - Rotary Community

Recent Community activity in Plympton


Recently members Ben, Annemarie and Doug assisted with the cutting back of overhanging shrubs and nettles on the pathway next to St Mary's Primary school. Assisting Councillor Terri Beer and Colin Beer, the tidy up was completed in time for the children to return to school allowing parents with pushchairs and pupils an easier access to the school. Plympton Rotary were happy to help within the local community - great teamwork and collaboration all round.

'What We Do' Main Pages:

Our club response to Covid 19

What we have tried to do in response to these uncertain times.


Information on the history of Rotary


Recent Community activity in Plympton

70 years

The Rotary Club of Plympton are proud to be celebrating seventy years of service to the community of Plympton


It is now possible to donate to our Club Charity Account via PayPal by clicking on the Donate button below

Teamwork 2

Click on this article for more info


Are you interested in joining Rotary or just finding out more about us? Here you can find details on how you can join the Rotary Club of Plympton - or Rotary in general.


This page has been created for all of those who are not actually members of our club but who participate in (or wish to participate in)club activities and/or events. We aim to use this page to keep you up to date on club activities.


The tabs on the right will take you to the various news stories for our club. You can also find out more about what is going on by visiting our Facebook page or clicking under the various sections in the "What We Do" section above.


Please find below some of the more frequently asked questions.


Details on our clubs efforts towards Rotary's End Polio campaign can be found on these pages.


Details of some of our events raising funds for the community or just providing some form of service.
