Sea Cadets

We were visited by some of the Sea Cadets on Monday 20th November. They came to thank us for supplying 5 new bugles, to challenge our President to play the bugle and to demonstrate and teach some drumming techniques. Three of them rounded off the evening

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Snowflake 2023

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Paula and our president Steve.

At our last social meeting we given an interesting and informative talk by Paula and Gail on Diabetes type 1 and type 2. For more information on Diabetes please contact


Bridgwater 90th Anniversary of our charter celebrated at the Canalside Marsh Lane with fabulous meal and dancing the night away to Mission Blue.


Today we sponsored & helped out at Hamp Cinema club and lots of smiling children enjoyed hot dogs & chocolate .


We have our twin club from Germany staying this weekend. They brought the sun with them! Today we went to Bath, and had a wonderful time. Tomorrow we celebrate 90 years since our club was chartered.

Welcome to our new member Lynne to Bridgwater Rotary and an evening of what Rotary does for local organisations and presentation of cheque.

Welcome to our new member Lynne to Bridgwater Rotary and an interdiction evening to what Rotary does for local organisations and presentation of cheque.


our friendship with Rotarians and their families from Lower Saxony is over 40 years old and still going strong.
