

Wellington in Somerset is a market town situated in the beautiful Vale of Taunton Deane between the rolling Blackdown Hills, the Quantocks, the Brendon Hills and Exmoor.  With a population of about 14000 Wellington is just 7 miles from the County Town of Taunton and 22 miles from Exeter.

Our Rotary Club of 39 members was formed in 1954. We are extremely active both socially and in helping others in keeping with the Rotary Clubs' ideals of  "Service above Self".

'What We Do' Main Pages:

Rotary Water Survival Boxes sent to the Turkish earthquake disaster area


Members of the Rotary Club of Wellington, together with members of the business community, attended Court Field's mock interviews. It was a rewarding occasion when the year 10 candidates acquitted themselves very well indeed.


Ian Williamson visited the club


The Rotary Club of Wellington attended the Wellington Park Fayre. Visitors to the gazebo sampled water from the Water Aid pump and also attempted to guess the name of the Teddy Bear.


Retiring President Mike hands over the chain of office to the incoming new President, Brian.


Pupils from IKB and Wellesley Park primary schools planted 1700 crocus bulbs


With a little help from members of the Rotary Club of Wellington, pupils from IKB and Wellesley Park Primary Schools have planted purple crocus bulbs in their school grounds.


Wellington Rotarians at their Reindeer stall !


At the presidential handover IPP Mike Parsons and Rotarian Chris Cardwell were presented with Paul Harris Fellowships.


Past President Mike Parkinson presents the insignia to President Mike Parsons


Zoe Steer, head of fundraising for the charity "Love Musgrove" talks to the club
