President 2023 to 2024

Meet Chris, our new president


My name is Chris( tine ) Webb and I am President of the Derbyshire Dales Rotary.

I am a teacher and have taught all age groups from 5 – 85 year olds and still enjoy it. In my spare time my hobbies include, sewing, knitting, puzzles and reading.

I have always wanted to ‘make a difference’ and have been actively involved in a number of activities including the Scout Association, Ashgate Hospice, Re-Engage (Contact the Elderly) and Independent Age.

About 20 years ago, I became a member of Inner Wheel in Dorset. At that time members were related to a Rotary member and supported Rotary in their fund-raising and events whilst doing their own. Now, anyone can join but the aims are still the same.

  As a member of Derbyshire Dales Rotary, I continue to do what I can to make the world a better place. Rotary is a world-wide organisation which means that everything we do can help third world countries as well as our own. Rotary started in America and there are now clubs in almost every country in the world.

As well as sending immediate aid to disaster areas via safe routes and directly to Rotary Clubs in the area, we also support local communities in poorer countries by projects such as providing toilets in schools, funding individuals to enable them to start a small business and so become independent, educating women and helping them to earn money to feed their family. The list is endless.

As well as helping abroad, we aim to do what we can for our local communities by fund-raising and helping with projects where we can. Locally, Rotary has helped by starting up a Memory Café, providing sailing opportunities for special needs children, sending toy boxes at Christmas for children in refuges, knitting/crocheting blankets for the elderly to name just a few.

We in Derbyshire Dales Rotary, are looking to work with the Chamber of Commerce and Business Partnership for local projects. Currently we are planning a series of workshops in local secondary schools to provide interviewing skills. Watch this space for our Trashion Show in the autumn where junior and secondary schools can work together to make items made from goods that can be recycled. Other school activities include a debate, well-dressing competition and a young leader/outdoor pursuits weekend course – all of which we hope to extend the opportunity to all local schools.

We don’t just sit around a table and have a meal to plan these things. We do meet regularly but also have social activities such as a boules morning, open-air concerts, Call my Bluff wine tasting, days out…

You are welcome to come to a meeting or social event to find out more about us. Even better, help us to raise funds or get involved with a project. Better still, tell us about a project in your local area that we may be able to help with!!

Look on our website or find us on Facebook.


'What We Do' Main Pages:

Derbyshire Dales Rotary (DDR) and funds raised offer considerable support to local community groups.


Roz Adamson, and With assistance from Scott Knowles, CEO of East Midlands Chamber of Commerce a honorary member of the club and his team of expert staff. In one day every sixth form student underwent an interview and second interview with feedback.


Meet Chris, our new president


Supporting 'friendship' boxes for the children of the Ukraine


Friday, Ferrets and Fun! Ferret Racing Night.


Derbyshire Dales Rotary (DDR), had a really successful Christmas, raising over £1500. Santa’s Sleigh in Wirksworth, a Christmas Fayre and Santa collections at St Elphin’s Park all allowed us to boost funds to support local causes.
