Mobility Scooters and Calverley in Bloom

Mobility Scooters help raise funds for Calverley in Bloom

Mobility Scooter ready for re-sale

The Rotary Club of Calverley recently received 3 Mobility Scooters with a request to renovate and spruce them up to sell, then donate the proceeds to the " Calverley in Bloom " funds. This is to help with the expenses incurred in displaying beautiful floral decorations around Calverley.
Calverley Rotarians duly obliged, Rotarian Mike Wood, headed up the team who sourced and fitted new batteries to all three scooters to ensure the buyers are not disappointed with mechanical performance. Two scooters have already been sold to disabled riders. The third scooter requires further work, now ongoing, and will result in additional funds when completed and sold.
Visitors and residents of Calverley will have noticed the splendid floral displays throughout the village which resulted in A GOLD AWARD FOR THE VILLAGE and several individual awards for various garden winners who enthusiastically became involved in the competition.
Congratulations to all concerned in this venture ensuring that Calverley continues to be a spectacular exhibitor of beautiful floral displays and hopefully gain further awards next year.

2 Completed and sold


'What We Do' Main Pages:

New casing for defibrillator case

Calverley Rotary Club was proud to fund a new Defibrillator case in Farsley.

William Ellis is presented with a sponsorship cheque from President Elect Carole Owczarek and Rotarian David Hastings.

Talented young cricketer William Ellis was bowled over to receive sponsorship from Calverley Rotary Club.


A list of whom we have supported over the last five years.

facebook site

details of our facebook site which gives weekly updates on our work, local causes and events

RYLA awardees after completing their course

Interviews have taken place for the 2024 RYLA course.

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President Elect Carole Owczarek and her husband John take on the March the Month Challenge to raise funds and awareness for Prostate Cancer research and treatment

Mobility Scooter ready for re-sale

Mobility Scooters help raise funds for Calverley in Bloom


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