Rotary Youth Speaks

Giving a voice

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Empowering Voices: Rotary Youth Speaks Heat Unveils Remarkable Talent at

St Helens District Heat.
Rotary St Helens, in collaboration with St Cuthbert's School, last night played host to the District Heat of the 2024 Rotary Youth Speaks competition, a platform that empowers young minds to articulate their thoughts and ideas.

The event took place on the 31st of January, 2024, at 6:00 p.m., featuring a diverse array of talent from six participating schools, namely Bury Grammar School, Hawkley Hall High School, Hope Academy, St Edmund Arrowsmith Catholic High School, Didsbury High School, and Tower College.
The District Heat unfolded at St Cuthbert's School, providing a grand stage for 7 teams representing schools sponsored by Rotary Clubs within District 1285. The event marked a significant milestone, showcasing the enthusiasm and dedication of young speakers eager to engage with a broader audience.

A Platform for Confidence and Ambition: The Rotary Youth Speaks competition is not just about delivering speeches; it's a transformative experience that builds confidence and ambition in the participants. Public speaking is a skill that transcends the competition setting, preparing young individuals for a future where effective communication is key.

The St Helens District Heat witnessed an array of thought-provoking topics, as each participating school presented their unique perspectives. From Bury Grammar School to Tower College, the speakers delved into issues ranging from social justice and environmental sustainability to education and community development. The diversity of topics showcased the depth of understanding and concern among today's youth.
The teams in the competition represented a broad cross-section of schools, each bringing its own flair and passion to the stage. The event was made possible through District 1285 Rotary Clubs, demonstrating a collective commitment to nurturing the next generation of confident and articulate leaders.
The District Heat at St Helens serves as a stepping stone for the participating teams, leading to the District Finals and ultimately the Grand Final. As the competition progresses, the stakes will get higher, and the young speakers will have the chance to refine their skills and compete at an even more elevated level.

The St Helens Rotary Youth Speaks District Heat at St Cuthbert's School was a resounding success, amplifying the voices of young leaders with a passion for change and a commitment to making a difference. The competition is not merely about winning or losing; it is about fostering an environment where every participant emerges as a more confident and articulate individual, ready to take on the challenges of the future. As the journey continues through the District Finals and Grand Final, the impact of Rotary Youth Speaks on these young minds is bound to resonate far beyond the competition hall.

Congratulations to Hope Academy teams who won at both Intermediate an Senior levels.
Judges were Mrs Marlene Grainger (chief judge) Burnley speakers club
Mrs Jackie Mafi (Wigan SC)
Mr Ian Rimmer former Head Teacher Nutgrove Methodist Primary Academy
Questioner Rtn Nicky Monk (St Helens Rotary)
Time Keepers Rtns Paul & Gaynor Winstanley

'What We Do' Main Pages:

Visitors on our dedicated Youth night

An evening with Youth

Tanya presenting at our weekly meeting

Tanya Wilcock, St Helens Borough Council's Director of Communities

Contact us  for more information

Come and join us

MP McGinn

Rotary St Helens Mentioned in Houses of Parliament


Rotary St Helens helps the community to find help during COVID During 2022

Incoming President Joel making friends

Rotary St Helens Visits Taylors Farm: A Community Engagement Success

Rtn Bill Wright Tonight introduced  Dot Prince & Joan Harkinson from the Hargreaves Dementia trust this is a local charity that supports people living with dementia and their Carers.

Tonight we had a presentation from Dot Prince & Joan Harkinson from the Hargreaves Dementia trust this is a local charity that supports people living with dementia and their Carers.


Team Leader - Simon Hairsnape


Collecting usable unwanted coats for distribtion to the needy


Team Leader - Keith Unsworth


18th July 1923-18th July 2023

Carole and Sponsor Gaynor

Carole being Inducted into Rotary St Helens

Santa and his helpers getting ready in Eccleston

Santa was in Eccleston

Mark Ferguson induction

Latest member to our family of Rotary

Easter Membership

Come and Join us

Canal after Litter pick

Clean up St Helens Canal

Len Marlow, Peter Gregory and prospective member
 Amy Thacker

Peter Gregory - Rainford Community First Responders Support Group

Winners 2022

Nominations @AccordWills Community Impact Award @prideofsthelens @sthelensrotary Wonderland Community Centre @ThinkFASTAcad And the Winner are St Helens Rotary @sthelensrotary @sthelensstar


Our Monthly Newsletter

Professor Allan Hobson

Keynote Speaker Professor Allan Hobson

President Paul Winstanley pictured with D.G. Eric Russell

District Governor Eric Russell is pictured with President Paul Winstanley at our 98th Charter

Words that define us

Words that define us

World Polio Day

24th October 2023 is World Polio Day

St Helens Heritage Trail

Rotary St Helens in partnership with the Council and other key partners is creating a Heritage Trail around this famous Borough of ours.


Joint production with Cowley International College Choir & St Helens Rotary of Heritage song

President 2021-2022

Paul Winstanley President 2021-2022


Niall McCormack founder


Team Leader - Paul Winstanley

Keynote speaker Dan McGarvey

Our Keynote speaker last night was Dan McGarvey of CHAMPS CIC.

Rtn Nic Monk beats Johnny Vegas in  Celebrity Bowls at Gala day

Summers day Gala at Ruskin Drive


Our first BBQ of the year


Prestigious Award for Rotary St Helens

Max receives his award from Bear Grylls

Max Woosey Jnr known as The Tent Boy

A warm welcome for those fleeing Ukraine

Our warm welcome has been supporting those seeking sanctuary in St Helens from every continent for almost seven years. This year they include those fleeing the war in the Ukraine.

Kings Award for Voluntary Service

Presentation by Lord Lieutenant of Merseyside Mr. Mark FW Blundell, L


Keynote speaker last night was John Tabern Chairman of the St Helens Town Deal Board

Heritage Trail Launch

The opening of the first St Helens Heritage Trail. St Helens Rotary in Partnership with St Helens Council has created and delivered the First trail at the Hotties. The opening ceremony took place at The World of Glass. Visitors with the use of QR code


Team Leader - Steve Culley

Tony our Keynote speaker with President Simon

Rtn Tony Beckett Chair of Youth activities in our District

David Sheridan Induction

New Member for our Rotary Family. Local business man David Sheridan joins the team. Pictured with President Paul Winstanley and Membership Lead Simon Hairsnape


Keynote Speaker Patrick Tyrrell

A visit to Rotary in India

We visited a small village called Mhasla on a social visit.

Rotary Effect

Rotary gets involved


Simon Hairsnape elected St Helens Rotary Centenary President 2023-2024


Polio Eradication

St Helens Central Station

We have adopted St Helens Central Station


Team Leader - John Frodsham

Rotary signs on platform

Rotary St Helens approached Northern asking whether they could adopt Central Station. Northern agreed as they are always seeking for community groups to adopt their stations to help them to become a community station.


Walk in the Sand Dunes


Photos which have been used in the website


Our keynote speaker last night was Robbie Cormie, Operating Department Practitioner (ODP), and is a medical professional who specialises in providing perioperative care to patients undergoing surgical procedures. Trained to assist in the operating room.


Prestigious Award for Rotary St Helens

Bike Ride for Prostate Cancer

Fundraiser for Prostate Cancer

Poster Campaign

Bonfire & Fireworks

John Williams Chief operating officer

Combatting racism and hate crime to build stronger, safer communities.


All our yesterdays!

KIng Charles lll Coronation

Congratulations from St Helens Rotary

representatives from a number of organisations, including  Rotary St Helens, the funding will make a difference to their organisation during a cheque presentation.

ST HELENS ROTARY are one of 40 projects to benefit from more than £80,000 worth of funding through St Helens Borough Council.

Craig Roberts

Keynote speaker Craig Roberts

Got Coats

Collection of usable coats for use by the needy


Rotary St Helens receives prestigious award

A small village Rotary club called Mhasla on a social visit.

On a recent family visit Monoj paid a visit to a local Rotary club

Saints QR Code

St Helens Rotary Club and St Helens Council are installing a dozen plaques around St Helens town centre to create a heritage trail to celebrate the town's proud history. Click on the QR Code

Jack stewarding at Bonfire

Achieving Duke of Edingburgh Award through Rotary volunteering

Sue Mills Children in Need Coordinator

The centre has been leased from St. Helens Council by local people who are all volunteers and have become a not for profit registered charity. We want the centre to be the hub of the community working to meet the residents ever changing need.

Parkinson Day

World Parkinson’s Day takes place on 11 April every year to raise awareness of Parkinson's.

Senior Citizens enjoying Blackpool Tower Ballroom

A day out at Blackpool


The Club from time to time awards Paul Harris Fellowships to honour the founder of Rotary International and acknowledge the service which the recipients have given to community.

Hope Centre FoodBank

Donations to Foodbank

Distribution Centre

Deliver much needed shoeboxes for distribution

Pupils at Holy Cross School

Pupils share card joy with care residents

Foundry Wharf

Foundry Wharf Litter Pick

Rainford Scouts

President Simon delivers cheque to the Scouts
