Rotary the World Over Day 23 February 2015

Mon, Feb 23rd 2015 at 12:00 am - 12:00 am

Celebrating Rotary's 110 Anniversary - all 4 Luton Clubs presenting

Rotary the World Over Day

More than 80 Rotarians from the four Luton Rotary clubs and guests gathered at the Pavilion, Bowling Green Lane, Luton, on February 23 to celebrate Rotary The World Over Day on the110th anniversary of the formation of Rotary. Welcoming everyone to the event Alastair Hay, president of Luton North Rotary Club, the hosts for the day, said: "Rotary is the world's largest service organisation with more than 2 million members with clubs in most countries." Lord Bill McKenzie in his summary at the end of the event said: " There is a need to get the word out what Rotary does."

This event was arranged to do just that.
Rotary has a big influence in world affairs. It has the ear of governments, the World Health Organisation, big business and the world's leading philanthropists including Bill Gates (Founder of Microsoft) the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and Michael R. Bloomberg, former Salomon Brothers financier, multi-billionaire and three times Mayor of New York City. Rotary gets involved in major projects world-wide such as sand dams to act as reservoirs, equipment to protect against Malaria, aids, eye camps, disaster boxes, funding help with Ebola and since 1985 has been the inspiration to eradicate polio globally spending more than

'What We Do' Main Pages:

Wolfsburg visit April 2014

Club visit to Wolfsburg to mark their 50th Anniversary

The Rotary Bandstand Wardown Park Luton

The bandstand is now complete and situated in the lovely Wardown Park, Luton


Photo's of visitors to the Club

Presiden tGeoff presented Hazel Davies with a Paul Harris Fellowship Award

Lunch with wives, partners, and friends


Celebrating Rotary's 110 Anniversary - all 4 Luton Clubs presenting


Details Club Community and Vocational work

Ambulance for purchase to be converted as Mobile Clinic

Rotary Foundation - Rotary's own charity


Fellowship Committee


Membership matters-full club activity being encouraged


History highlights of Luton North Rotary Club on a year by year basis
