Club Posts

Club Posts

Notices for Rotarians and/or visitors to the Club

Apologies for absence must be received, before mid-day on the Tuesday before the meeting, by Ron Aspbury (or if you are a visitor your contact) by email or telephone please.

Speaker meeting meals for partners and guests will not be booked automatically, please book your partners and guests in by email to Ron Aspbury.

If you are to be absent and cannot preform a duty listed on the Club calendar then please arrange a substitute

Please submit a notice by email to the Club Webmaster if you want it published here.

    'What We Do' Main Pages:

    Our privacy policy and how we protect your personal data


    Recent activities, current and future events. Due to Covid many of our planned events have been cancelled. We still meet regularly to plan for when we are able to re-introduce established and new events.


    Club Events: What we do: Fundraising, Service and Social. Always with Fellowship and Fun


    General information


    Events and projects that the Club has been involved with
