International Committee

International Committee

providing clean water


The International Committee raises funds to donate to charities that help people overseas. 

What we are doing

We regularly sell crocuses and collect for the Rotary International initiative End Polio Now. This project intends to eradicate polio by immunizing all children accross the world. 

We give donations to Shelterbox and Aquabox, charities that provide shelters, tools, clean water and cooking equipment at disaster zones the world over. 

We lend money to Entrepreneurs through the LendWithCare Microfinancing scheme and we collect spectacles for the Borderlands Rotary project that sends the donated specs to Rotary Club of Naga in the Philippines who distribute them to people who need them. 

What we want to do 2023-2024

The International Committee is a small group of people who like to get things done. As well as continuing to raise money for the causes listed our focus for the next few months is the Scottish Charity Mary's Meals. Mary's Meals provides school lunches for children in some of the world's poorest countries.

We will have a street collection at Jedburgh's Seasonal Market, and we are planning an event, "101 Donations" a Mary's meal for 101 rotarians with entertainment encouraging guests to donate the cost of a night out to feed a child for a year.

Committe Chair, Roger, invites group members to bring fundraising ideas to each meeting, having given them some thought and research how to acheive their aims.

Roger BamkinContact Roger Bamkin about this page:

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'What We Do' Main Pages:

Jedburgh Rotary Logo

This e-bay shop is our main fundraiser


Look at the pages on the right to find out what we have been doing recently

Rotarians mingling between speakers

Here are the speakers at this year's District 1320 conference at Aviemore

President Tony

President Tony's aims for the forthcoming year


Community Committee

providing clean water

International Committee
