Yorkhill Children's Foundation

Thu, Mar 1st 2012 at 12:00 am - 2:00 am

A talk by Ms Kirsten Sinclair.

This evening's talk on the Children's Foundation of the Yorkhill Sick Children's Hospital had been planned to be given by Ms Kimberley Goodger who, unfortunately, couldn't make it.  Her place was taken by Ms Kirsten Sinclair, a fund raising manager for the charity, who spoke with feeling on the subject of an extremely worthwhile charitable organization set up within the Hospital to provide funds not only for medical equipment but also to provide enhancements to the Hospital environment to make it more child-friendly and welcoming to families.  Many members were under the mistaken impression that Yorkhill serviced just the Glasgow area but Ms Sinclair pointed out that last year alone over 150,000 kids from all over Scotland, Northern Ireland and parts of northern England had been treated there.  The Hospital is also the sole provider in the UK of treatments for certain specific childhood ailments.  She illustrated her talk with moving stories of courage and fortitude displayed by children that touched the hearts of members.  A small donation was presented to Kirsten by President John and everyone was of the opinion that we should do more in the future to contribute to this wonderful organization.