'History of Medicine in Currie Parish', Peter McGavigan

Wed, May 28th 2014 at 12:00 am - 2:00 am

Peter is a member of our Club

On 28 May Rotarian Peter McGavigan gave a talk to the Club which he titled “A history of medicine in the Currie parish” but which included a history of Dr Peter McGavigan himself.
Peter was born in Dumbarton in 1946. At the age of 7 he contracted polio which gives him an understanding of the value of the work Rotary does in seeking to eradicate this disease.
Having had no interest in things scientific in his early years he suddenly decided when working for A levels to change direction completely to become a doctor. He studied medicine at Glasgow University and after a spell as a House Surgeon he trained as a GP in the North of England. He returned to Scotland in 1974, taking up a post in Currie where he stayed until his retirement in 2011.
This led him on to review the progress made in medicine in Currie from the establishment of a General  Practice by a Dr Peter Gordon in 1850, through the merger of 2 local practices to the establishment of the modern medical centre we have today. Peter compared today's practices and procedures with those of 100 years ago when the doctor did everything. Then the doctor made appointments, kept manuscript records (sometimes) and dealt with every medical need. Today's medical centre provides specialist support services and a computerised paperless records system. The focus has changed too from a concentration on such diseases as measles, TB and polio to cancer and obesity.
Ian Clarkson thanked Peter on behalf of the Club for what was a most interesting and entertaining talk. 
Report by Mike Rowe

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