Frank Clark / Alex Mearns - A Year in the Life of Rotary

Thu, Feb 18th 2016 at 6:30 pm - 9:00 pm

Reception J Fleming, D Stewart
Grace R Truesdale
Speaker Host AM Chalmers

Alex Mearns and Frank Clark of Cumbernauld club talked about a year in Rotary

Alex Mearns and Frank Clark gave an interesting talk about a year in the life of Cumbernauld Rotary club. Their powerpoint presentation is used to explain to potential members what Rotary is about.

'What We Do' Main Pages:

We’re delighted to be supporting this year 2 Rotakids groups at Balmalloch and St Patrick’s Primary Schools


An important aspect of Rotary is enjoying each others’ company. As well as our weekly meetings for fellowship, we enjoy social activities such as canal cruises, discos, car treasure hunts and murder mystery nights.


We are actively involved in the community. Our recent activities include seniors’ concert, tearoom and stall at Civic Week, Santa Sleigh and Carol concert at Christmas and Christmas Fayre. We also support projects such as tidying up and tree planting.


We work with local schools offering opportunities to take part in Rotary competitions. We also organise a Rotary Technology competition for schools in the local area.


We support Rotary's worldwide mission to wipe out Polio. We plant crocuses in the town and various primary schools. For a number of years, we have raised funds by having an afternoon tea dedicated to End Polio Now.

On Call Africa's Ambulance and workers

This was one of most ambitious charitable undertakings.
