Our twice monthly (3rd Tuesday) online meeting with Rtn. John Dunlop

Tue, Apr 21st 2020 at 8:00 pm - 9:00 pm

John spoke to us on Tuesday 21st April at 8pm. Despite the Coronavirus Outbreak we continue to meet and Rotarians in the West of Scotland and beyond are very welcome to attend and maintain contact with others in the West of Scotland.

Our picture shows a number of people in a circle around the Rotary Wheel. This is not politically correct in that social gatherings should not be taking place and if they were there should be much more space between each person! However our meetings are conducted online so we don't physically meet, at least not in the present situation. 

You are very welcome to join us from the comfort of your own home. We are a very relaxed group - no dress code required and often with a glass or cup in hand.

We meet on the first Sunday of the month and the third Tuesday at 8pm (GMT or perhaps British Summer Time). There is information about Zoom Meetings on the front page of our website. Please take time to read this as we have changed a number of items and there is also a guide to how we conduct these meetings.

At our last meeting we were delighted to welcome Rotarians from Canada and the USA, Italy and France as well as Orkney in District 1010 plus many members from clubs in our own District - we had 27 in the room at one point.

At our meeting on April 21st we welcomed and heard from John Dunlop of Ayr Rotary Club, who was talking about the Rotary charity, Aquabox for which he is now an ambassador. If you want to prime your pump so to speak, you can find out all about Aquabox from their website www.aquabox.org. 

We are happy to put you in touch with John if you would like him to speak to your club. 

Guests and Rotarians from other clubs who wish to attend should contact us in the first instance using the 'Contact' button at the top of the page as we have changed our method of scheduling meetings.

'What We Do' Main Pages:

Information about various Rotary International Charities which our members support.


for potential and existing Rotarians


A brief overview of how Rotarians give service to their communities.
