Our Charter Presentation Night

Tue, Dec 1st 2020 at 7:45 pm - 9:45 pm

We were honoured to have Tom Griffin, President of Rotary G.B. & I. as our keynote speaker on the occasion of receiving our Charter as a recognised Club in Rotary International.

Visiting Rotarians and guests will be particularly welcome. We ask you to use the Contact Form below to obtain entry details for the Zoom meeting.

Members and regular guests have be advised of the entry details.

Our keynote speaker this evening will be Tom Griffin, President of Rotary Great Britain & Ireland

Born in Scotland, Tom attended Glasgow University where he studied to become a Solicitor.

He joined Selkirk Rotary Club in 1984, prior to moving South in 1986.  He has been a member of Maldon Rotary Club in Essex and his current Club, Woodbridge Deben in Suffolk East Anglia where he was District Governor 2011-12.  Now President, Rotary Great Britain and Ireland 2020/21.

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