Pudsey Presents Dictionaries

Fri, Nov 4th 2011 at 12:00 am -

Pusey presnts Illustrated Dictioranries to the children of St Mary's Junior School Croydon who were recognised for special achievents this term on behalf of the Rotary Club Of Croydon Whitgift

As part of the long term relationship between the Rotary Club of Croydon Whitgift and St Mary's Junior School, Croydon a stock of illustrated dictionaries were bought so that the school could recognise the achievements of indivuidual pupils each term. These achivements are not only academic but also social and behavioural.

Much to the surprise and delight of the children at the first presentation on the 4th November the Rotary Club arranged for Pudsey to make the presentations. In the picture gallery you can see him being escorted in by District Secretary Tony Wiseman, greeting the children, making a presentation and posing with some of the recipients.