Table tennis rules

Rotary District No 1140


ORDER OF PLAY:  In doubles, the server shall first make a service, the receiver shall then make a return, the partner of the server shall then make a return, the partner of the receiver, shall then make a return and thereafter each player in turn in that sequence shall make a return.

ORDER OF SERVING & RECEIVING:  Service must be diagonal, from the right half court to the opponent's right half court. After that, play can cover the whole table, but each partner must take his turn.

The pair serving first in a game shall receive first in the next game of the match and in the last possible game of a doubles match, the pair due to receive next, shall change their order of receiving when first one pair scores 5 points. After every 5 points have been scored, the receiving team shall become the serving team and so on until the end of the game.

TO PLAY BEST OF THREE GAMES:  Team that wins by two games wins the match.

POINTS PLAYED TO:  A game shall be won by the team first reaching 21 points. If both teams are tied, then the first team to gain a lead of 2 points wins.

POINTS TO OPPONENTS:  No hands should touch the playing surface.

A LET:  If in serving the ball, in passing over/around the net,  touches it, and falls in the opponents half.

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