Ted Osmond Award

Winner of this year's Ted Osmond award announced. This is an annual award we make to a young member of the local community.

In Rotary there are several areas of service that clubs work to, ranging from Community, International, Vocational and Youth. The Rotary Club of Plympton is proud of its work in these areas but specifically with its Youth programme.

The club runs many very successful Youth competitions such as Youth Speaks, Young Writer, Young Photographer and Young Artist, but a highlight in the programme every year is the presentation to a deserving young member of our society of the Ted Osmond Trophy.

The Ted Osmond Trophy has been awarded since 1995 in memory of one of the club members who had passed away and for whom Youth Service meant a lot and is awarded to a young person from the local community. Past winners have included such people as Jon Paul Oxley who despite his illness raised a considerable amount of money for charity.

Senior Vice President Darren Hands was able to recently present the award to this years

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Youth Service
