Rotary Rambles 2013 -14

Tue, Sep 3rd 2013 at 10:30 am - 1:30 pm

The Ramblers' Visit to Middleton in Teesdale

A Ramble on a Tuesday - whatever next ! Our Middleton trip was rearranged for Tuesday to free up volunteers for the National Stroke Association's Craft Fair on Wednesday, and in fact the change attracted more ramblers than usual - either that or the fact that Brian wore his shorts !

The walk was lead by ex-Middleton resident Mike Costello who took us around all his old haunts and reminisced all over the place giving us a fascinating glimpse into the past of this lovely town.Past the lime kilns, the beck, and a couple of very interesting archways we made a circular tour with stops to hear Mike's eloquent ramblings on his home from home  town.

Having arrived back at the centre of Middleton we accessed our vehicles and tootled along to Eggleston Hall and its very welcoming cafe, where lovely lunches were consumed followed by several Paradise Fingers [no really] !


All in all another very enjoyable and successful ramble ; Souter Lighthouse next !


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