2014 St.George's Night Dinner

Welcome to a celebration of "Englishness"



This was the first St.George's Day celebration that we held but we hope it will be the start of a new tradition. The event had been conceived, and brilliantly organised by President Elect Geoff. Many guests had taken the effort to find suitably coloured dresses and ties, but President Graham topped it all with an impressive St.George's outfit, complete with sword but without a helmet.


The Chilton Hotel glowed with the colours of red and white, from banners around the walls, St.George's flag on every table and a fresh red rose for every diner. Visitors from other clubs mingled with our own guests, some of whom would receive a pleasent surprise before the night was over.

While the roast beef of old England was being served we were entertained by the Houghton Brass band, under the baton of Tom Gibson.


After the meal the celebrations began with the presentation of two Paul Harris Fellowships to members of the local community who had served the youth of the area for many decades. The surprise on their faces was a delight to see. First up was Harry Wilson,who was the founder of Stanley Judo Club and has taught and trained 1,000s of youngsters.


Second was Fred Forster who has been in Scouting for 74 years, the majority as group scout leader of the 1st Burnmoor Scouts.Even at the age of 81 he is still on their executive committee and has inspired a very strong team of volunteers to continue his good work in the community.


With the official business of the evening over it was time for a bit of culture. Alan stepped forward with his superb rendition of "The Lambton Worm" (luckily for us all it was spoken not sung!!) before he was interrupted by an uninvited stranger who proceeded to translate Alan's dialect before pouring doubts on the accuracy of the legend of the monstrous worm!


Finally it was back to the band for a rousing programme of English songs. Voices were raised and flags waved to the likes of "Land of Hope and Glory", and "Jerusalem". What better way to end a wonderful evening. If you missed it then weep and put it in your diaries for next year



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