Young Technology Tournament

Technology Tournament

Students have to use team-building skills to solve a design and technology problem, as well as to use oral, written and graphical communications skills to compile a project portfolio. The tournaments are a one-day event for teams of four students from local schools and colleges, and they undertake to collectively solve the previously unseen task in a given period of time under Rotarian supervised tournament conditions. There are three age levels for team members; foundation, intermediate or advanced. The degree of complexity of the task is increased at each age level

Currently there is not a technology tournament in District 1150, but it is planned to develop over a period of time. If you are interested in running one for your own Club or area, please contact Gwenda Griffiths


Rules and Guidelines for the competition can be downloaded and printed here: Technology Tournament Rules (not yet available)

Organisational Guidance for the competition can be downloaded here: Organisational Guidance

A poster advertising the competition can be downloaded here: Poster

A certificate template can be downloaded here: Certificate

A Lot of information is available on the Rotary GB&I website for staging a junior Technology Tournament. Please see Junior Technology Tournament information

Rotarians: Click to download the Consent Form which must be completed and signed by the parent/guardian when photographing any children.

Roger HowellsContact Roger Howells about this page:

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