D1180 YouTube video channel

This is a link to the District 1180 YouTube video resource for clubs to upload their video clips of their club events in District 1180.

This link to the District 1180 YouTube channel  is a resource area for clubs to:

  • store videos taken at club events
  • give clubs the ability to make their video public by simply circulating a link
  • give clubs the opportunity to include their club videos on their own web sites by adding a link
  • give District the opportunity to compile and use 1180's clips in a promo video for the District in the future.

District 1180 YouTube Channel
What we are after on the D1180 YouTube Channel are videos of Rotarians on Rotarian activities. I don't imagine this should be an issue.

That said, if the Club Council has agreed that an event could be videoed and to avoid any possible issues, I would suggest the following for your consideration:
In any advertising material produced could include in the "small print" that "The Rotary Club of ....... may take photographs or video to by used by Rotary for publicity puroposes as they see fit".

The Law
It is not illegal to take photographs or video footage in public places unless it is for criminal or terrorist purposes.
It is perfectly legal to photograph/film in a public place. By extension I believe that includes an event open to the public on private property.  

People walking around in public do not have the right to privacy.
There will perhaps be events where you have access as a member of the public, but will have to ask permission or may be prevented altogether. These could include stately homes, museums, churches, shopping malls, railway stations and council / government buildings. You need to check the situation out on a case by case basis. The clue will be the signs that state "No photography".
The taking of photographs of an individual without their consent is a civil matter when taking a photo of a person where they can expect privacy (inside their home or garden). This is likely to be a breach of privacy laws - such as they are!
The other issue to consider is what you plan to do with the photograph afterwards. If the video is of an individual/s and you intend to publish it in any way (on the internet), it would be appropriate, good practice if being used for Rotary purposes and may avoid unnecessary complications if you just ask for permission before doing so. Clearly it is impractical to get the permission of anyone that may be in the background and therefore will not be required.
I would suggest that taking video of children WITHOUT the permission of parent or guardian is heading for trouble !!!

If you have any questions or difficulties then please contact mikelade1975@gmail.com

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