Outside Visit - Fairfield School Oct 2014

Mon, Jul 27th 2020 at 2:01 pm -

Visit to Fairfield School 6.45 for 7.00 Buffet will be provided (small cost).

Monday 28th October    Club Outside Visit
Fairfield School.
Club Rotarian's partners and friends gathered at Fairfield School for an outside visit.
School head Ann Tierny and Speech and Language manager Tracey Fillan met Luddites and invited us to their canteen for a buffet evening meal.
Ann told us about the school and the children, explaining the children's complex learning and mobility difficulties for the 128 pupils aged three to nineteen that they have attending at the school.
Ann then gave Luddites a guided tour of the school starting in the lower school. We looked at three classrooms for the nursery equivalent children and proceeded to the 7 to 11 year classrooms and shown a saferoom for autistic children. We could see the toys on display that Rotarian Colin Wall has been modifying so the children can operate the toys by means of a large saucer shaped switch.  We passed the hydrotherapy swimming pool facilities and looked into the trampoline rebound therapy room and the green screen special lighting effects room. Ann explained their next project to upgrade the outside courtyard to allow the adapted bicycles to use a circuit area.
Finally we moved to the upper school classrooms and the transition area for school leavers.
We gathered and watched a video of the school and the children and Ann thanked the club for our help with Kids Out and the Santa visits at Christmas both of which were a very enjoyable help in the schools work with the children and the recent work that Colin has been doing with the toys.
President Margaret as part of her years charity awards aims to buy Fairfield a Eye Gazer tablet computer system.
At District 1040 Conference, Tracey gave a 40 min talk in the Communities break out session led by Willie Clark about the KIDS OUT and the school and the help that Rotary through Birstall Luddites had given to the school.
Willie praised Tracy for her talk and the help to show Rotary Communities work in the Community.

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