Steven Did the 02 Challenge For Charity

Steven Did the 02 Challenge For Charity

Steven Did the 02 Challenge For Charity

Rotary Club of East Grinstead Meridian member Steven Kirupai gave himself a fitness overhaul to prepare for a gruelling challenge to climb to the top of the O2 – all for a good cause.

Steven geared himself up to pull himself to the top of the O2 earlier this month to raise money for two Rotary Charities; End Polio and Roll Out The Barrel Trust – a charity that "transforms lives by improving access to safe water, hygiene and sanitation".

But far from being the kind of activity that you just turn up on the day for, Steven completed a gruelling six- month journey to improve his health and fitness, losing nine per cent of his body fat and working on his upper body strength to be able to complete the climb.

In order to qualify, he had to obtain a letter of endorsement from his GP surgery and his Copthorne gym, confirming that he is fit enough to take on the challenge. 

Steven said: "You can't just turn up, you have to do lots of preparation because it's very physically demanding". Further adding "They had to make sure beforehand that you were able to make it to the top because there were people in front of me and behind me in a long line. If one person had to stop, everyone stops."

He undertook the challenge on "World Rotary Day" on Tuesday, February 23.

Having spent the first five years of his life in Sri Lanka, Steve said he has seen first-hand how many people there struggle to get access clean water.

He added: "A lot of people have to walk miles to get clean water. It's so far that people, mainly women and children, get robbed or attacked along the way.

"One full barrel can carry enough water to last a week whilst in the UK, if we want water we just turn on the tap.

"I thought, giving up beer and takeaways was worth it to help just a few people."

Steve is aiming to raise £1,000 which he says will pay for three barrels for three families and for 500 children to get vaccinated against polio.

To support Steve's cause by making a donation just visit is sponsorship website by clicking on the following link:

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