A record year for our Fundraising Christmas Appeal, raising a total of £9829 from the Town Collection, the Haskins weekend, donations from businesses to the Tree of Light in the High Street, and our annual marathon of 16 evening house to house collection

    CHRISTMAS APPEAL 2015                                    

A record year for our Fundraising Christmas Appeal, raising a total of £9829 from the Town Collection, the Haskins weekend, donations from businesses to the Tree of Light in the High Street, and our annual marathon of 16 evening house to house collections, not to forget the Town Collection.


Rotarians of both Clubs, helped by Friends of Rotary, generous volunteer support (Scouts, Venture Scouts, Lions, Soroptomists, Masons) and Rotarians families and friends all breathed a sigh of relief when the last collection was finished for another year. A lot of work, a big time commitment and all worthwhile particularly when on the house to house collections a child’s face lights up when Santa Claus appears on the doorstep. MAGIC.

But it is not just about raising money, teams of Rotarians erect and illuminate the large tree on the High Street and the smaller tree on the sleigh. We have help from Wayne in servicing the sleigh, from Mid Sussex Timber and Doves Barn Nursery who donate the two trees.

There are then the gifts we deliver; this year we gave over 350 gifts to needy, elderly and lonely people around the town and its environs reaching as far as Lingfield, Forest Row, Hartfield, and Crawley Down. It is amazing how much these gifts are appreciated although the visits and the chats are as much appreciated. This is proven by the large number of Thank You cards and letters we get from the recipients. In addition we once again funded the East Grinstead Visually Impaired Persons Club Christmas Dinner.

At the end both Clubs received £2612 as a net contribution to their Charity Accounts.

Finally a big THANK YOU to all the East Grinstead and East Grinstead Meridian Rotarians who gave so generously of their time but particular mention of  Tony Donnithorne, Adrian Lucas, Mike Ross, David Bridle, Lesley Robinson, Robert Sharp, Robin Seabrook, Brian Jackson, Michael Haynes, Keith Harding, John Ellis and  David Roberts (who seemed to be forever towing the sleigh.

You all made my life so much easier

Peter Leeming

Christmas Appeal Organising Committee Chairman


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