Presidents BBQ June 2016

Mon, Jul 27th 2020 at 2:01 pm -

Luddites and partners were invited to 3 Lamplands Upper Batley at 16:00 hours for President Margaret's BBQ

The Rotary Club of Birstall Luddites.
Presidents end of year BBQ Sat 11th June 2016
Club members gathered at President Margarets for the Club annual end of year BBQ.
On a typical British June summers day - overcast and drizzle Luddites enjoyed the BBQ and later
watched Englands first football game in Euro 2016.
Baby Isabella seemed to steal the show with the ladies having cuddles in turn with mum Natalie and Dad Eddie and Grandma Helen and Grandad Colin looking on.
Big thanks to President Margaret and Nigel for their hard work hosting the day.
Thanks to Tony for co running the cooking BBQ with Nigel.

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