Gamboura Water Project -

Mon, Jul 18th 2016 at 2:00 pm- Wed, Aug 31st 2016 - 2:00 pm

Gratitude from the Increasing Numbers of Children Attending School in Gamboura in North Cameroon

Gamboura had serious water problems in the dry season from October to June each year. Water shortages affected the whole community and the economony of the region.

Death from water borne disease was common, especially in young children.  Children's school attendance suffered.

Citizens of St Andrews contributed £1000 to the Rotary Club for a project to sink 6 water wells.  With the help of the wider worldwide organisation of Rotary, a total of £51,000 was raised to complete the project before the rainy season in 2015.

The results have been life changing for the population of 12,000.

The Gambourians have sent a letter of heartfelt thanks to the people of St Andrews, Rotary Clubs local and international and also especially to Dr Hamish Tait and his wife Anne

Click here for the original letter of thanks   GambouraThanks.pdf

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