Baldock Rotary’s Mad Hatters Tea Party

Baldock go Mad for Hats in aid of Purple4Polio

Baldock Rotary club member Keith Britter and his wife Carol recently hosted an afternoon tea party in aid of the Rotary charity Purple4Polio at which 40 Rotary members, wives, friends and neighbours enjoyed a traditional afternoon cream tea which raised £570 for the charity.

Paul Luckett, the Publicity Officer for Baldock Rotary club commented “for over 30 years, Rotary and its members have been committed to fighting to eradicate polio across the world. The amount of polio-endemic countries has dropped from 125 to just three, with over 2.5 billion children receiving vaccinations thanks to the help of Rotary.  Purple4Polio is Rotary’s current initiative to raise the necessary funds to continue this important vaccination programme”.

Rotary works in partnership with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation in the quest to eradicate polio and the funds raised at this tea party will result in a total donation of £1,698 which will pay for the vaccine for 5,000 children.

An added attraction for the afternoon was the Mad Hatter’s theme which attracted a variety of imaginative headwear as seen in the line-up in the photograph.




Paul Luckett
Baldock Rotary Club
26th June 2017

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