Meridian Rotary Working with Friends of Weirwood Reservoir

We were last there just before the Coronavirus lockdown.
We will return very soon to carry on our maintenance work

As part of their work in the community members of the Rotary Club of East Grinstead Meridian are supporting the Friends of Weirwood Reservoir to maintain the Millennium Picnic area on the South side of Weirwood Reservoir.

The picnic site was created to celebrate the turning of the Millenium in 2001 and is used extensively by walkers enjoying the beautiful scenery along the shore of the Reservoir.

Throughout the Spring, Summer and Autumn the team work at the site cutting hedges, mowing the grass and generally ensuring that it is in good repair to enhance the enjoyment walkers derive from it being there.


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Community and Vocational Services

back Martin Craddock Chairperson of the Community and Vocational team says: We are for Communities Our Rotary Club is an integral part of the community in East Grinstead.