Dunstable visit Twin Club, Menen

Whilst visiting their twin club, Dunstable took the opportunity to lay a wreath at the Menen Gate

left to right, Graham Bourne, Roger Clarke and David Footitt. Chris Smith- Publicity.
left to right, Graham Bourne, Roger Clarke and David Footitt. Chris Smith- Publicity.

The Rotary Club of Dunstable has been twinned with the Rotary Club of Menen in Belgium since 1st May 1976 when the twinning engagement between our two clubs, was officially signed. The Presidents then were Rtn. Pierre Van Acker, Menen and Rtn. Victor Tilley, Dunstable.

We have been involved with many projects between our clubs and raised money by cycling to Menen twice, the first in 1994 and the second in 2000.

We have enjoyed giving and receiving hospitality for 41 years and this year was no exception.

A party of fifteen members from Dunstable arrived in Ypres, for a two night stay, on Thursday afternoon 26th October. In the evening a dinner was held in the hotel with guests from Menen club attending. One of the hot topics of conversation was Brexit!!

The following morning we visited St. Georges Church, Ypres for a history  about the church. The church is a British Church and has recently had installed 8 newly struck bells costing £200,000 which our club was pleased to contribute to.

Lunch followed at the Menen club’s weekly meeting. In the evening a wreath was laid at the Menen Gate at the Last Post Ceremony by Vice President Rtn. RogerClarke, 2nd Vice President Rtn. Graham Bourne, and new member Rtn David Footitt.

Christ Smith
Dunstable Rotary Club
31st October 2017

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