
Recently Darwen Rotary agreed to fund two shelter boxes to help out in the relief effort following the earthquake and tsunami on Sulawesi, typhoon on Mangkhut in the Philippines and the earthquake in Lombok

The two boxes will cost  about £1,200  and contain the following. Large family tent, mosquito nets, cooking implements, water purification equipment, blankets, groundsheets, mattresses, lighting, tools, tarpaulins,  ground sheets and other useful aids.

The plight and suffering of the people in these areas is heartbreaking with tens of thousands having lost family members and  everything they owned.

The boxes are sent on behalf of Darwen Rotary and the people of the  town  and follows our tradition of sending such help across the world at times of natural disasters

Details of the contects of a ShelterBox can be found on their website at

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Delivering a ShelterBox


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