Lamplighters Christmas Appeal

Throughout this year our normal collection activities for charity have been severely curtailed and our normal Christmas cash collections were not possible .

In a normal year we manage to collect a total of around £20,000 for local and international charities . The main fundraiser events apart from Christmas are usually the Swimathon in March and the Open Gardens event in May or June. This year these and other smaller fundraisers have had to be cancelled.

In 2019 the Christmas cash collections at supermarkets and during Santa's rounds on the sleigh  raised over half of that total and of course we had to to cancel for 2020.

Unfortunately the need for charitable funds is greater than ever and we have organised several Covid safe intiatives such as our on-line shop , charity quizzes and Heatons Walks . This has brought in over £5,000 but of course leaves us well short of our normal target. We have arranged the Santa Zoom Experience to compensate to some extent for the disappointment of children ot being able to physically meet Santa , whilst this event welcomes voluntary donations it's main objective is to provide a service to the community . We are also grateful to be recipients of donations made by Heatons Businesses to sponsor windows on the Heatons Advent calendar in Parsonage Road .

Regardless of these initiatives we hope you will feel able to make a direct donation by one of the means shown below.

To donate by text giving then text  ROTARYX  to 70490  where X is the amount of donation , for example:-

ROTARY3   donates £3

ROTARY15  donates £15

In addition to the donation the usual network text charge will be applied.

To make a donation by means of a credit or debit card then please use the link below which will take you to the Givey donation site which will securely take your details.


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