Rotary Promoted at PMQ's

Rotary's 'monumental contribution' to ending polio celebrated in PMQs


Rotary Promoted at Prime Minister's Question Time


Rotary's "monumental contribution" to global efforts to eradicate polio
was celebrated in the House of Commons
at Prime Minister's Questions 30th September 2020

Rotary members, volunteers and supporters around the world
have raised over $2 billion in the global fight to eradicate the disease
which has helped to immunise and protect over 2.5 billion children around the world

The address was raised by Loughborough MP Jane Hunt
who recognised the contribution of her local club, Loughborough Beacon Rotary
and clubs around the world

Prime Minster Boris Johnson described it as
"a fine example of the philanthropy and spirit of the British people"

Following the news earlier this year that
WHO's Africa region is now wild polio-free
just two countries, Afghanistan and Pakistan, remain polio-endemic

After over three decades of work and collaboration
ending polio forever remains Rotary's number one humanitarian goal

To donate to our End Polio Now campaign
and protect children at risk, click here:


* Source Rotary News September 2020


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