Disease prevention and treatment

SpecSort: Recycling redundant and unwanted spectacles for needy recipients in Africa
Tel: 01904 704634
Global Sight Solutions: Providing free eye care and eye surgery to the very poor in the developing world.
Rotary Jaipur Limb: Preserving and protecting the health, particularly of amputees and other limbless persons, including the provision of prostheses and the rehabilitation of individuals.
REMIT: Rotarians Eliminating Maleria in Tanzania
Sightbox Trust: Supporting young, visually impaired people wherever they may be in the world to access education and generate both friendship groups and routes to employment.
Wheelchair Foundation UK: Delivering a wheelchair to every child, teen and adult who needs one, but cannot afford one bringing new independence to those deprived of mobility by war, disease, accident, natural disaster or advanced age.
Rotary New Zealand World Community Service: Providing support to those living in poverty or affected by natural disasters

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