Oswestry Stroke Fund Donates Laptop

Mon, Jul 3rd 2023 at 4:18 pm - 6:18 pm

Dave Davies talks Janet Edwards through the use of her new laptop.

Dave Davies and Janet Edwards
Dave Davies and Janet Edwards

The Oswestry Stroke Fund, as administered by Oswestry Rotary Club, recently presented a laptop to Drew and Janet Edwards to help them to spend more quality time together whilst Drew, who suffered a stroke earlier this year and has other health issues, is hospitalised.

With the demise of the Oswestry and District Stroke Club, chaired for so many years by Mike Garrett, the charity's remaining trustees chose to vest the Club's remaining funds with Oswestry Rotary Club to distribute for the benefit of the area's stroke sufferers and their family and friends.
Janet was presented with the laptop by Rotary members David Davies and Tony Ridge who were able to talk Janet though how the laptop worked.

David was particularly pleased to see this donation from the fund commenting: "For many years our Rotary Club has supported the Oswestry and District Stroke Club through fundraising activities such as the Christmas Tree of Light Appeal.  It feels right that we are now able to distribute the Stroke Club's remaining funds in this positive way."

If you would like more information about the Oswestry Stroke Fund please email rotarycluboswestry@gmail.com quoting "Oswestry Stroke Fund".

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