Flood packs help those affected by flooding

EVAG is operating on all cylinders at the moment with a backlog of over 40 flood pack requests scattered over the County.

Helping the households we visit is actually so satisfying that sometimes it becomes an emotional experience.  This is best summed up by a report back from one of the EVAG  (Emergency Volunteer Action Group) team.  

Today’s visit near Wells was emotional and heartbreaking. lady in her late 80’s, alone, very frail, cannot climb stairs so living downstairs in 2 rooms plus small kitchen, all flooded 3 times since January flood to approx 2-1/2 feet throughout. No insurance. Son very busy. Cleared flood water herself. Pension credit status. Long term dog companion died 3 months ago. …….. "

This is a typical scenrario for the EVAG team and with the councile constantyly refrering poeple to them for the supply of flood pack, they are in demand.  Flood Packs contain as standard 15 Yellow sacks, 30 Polymer bags, 10 Hessian sacks.   Polyethylene sheeting 4m x 2m is now available for issue with a Flood Packs and other items including toilet pan seals and air brick covers are available.  

If anyone would like to help deliver theses packs or join the EVAG team you can contact them through our Rotary District website.  

David WelchContact David Welch about this page:

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