Completed meetings and events 2016-2017

Wed 26th April 2017 RI Vice Presidnet and Director - Jennifer Jones
The eClub of East Anglia Rotarians are honored to welcome their special guest, RI Director Jennifer Jones to share her journey to the top of Rotary International. read more...
Wed 19th April 2017 Rotary Down Under - Bob Aitken
Rotary Down Under's core business remains the production of quality print magazines ever mindful of the changing focus within all facets of modern media, digital publishing and television. read more...
Wed 12th April 2017 Dean Wales talking online about Action on Hearing Loss
On April 12th Dean Wales will outline for us the work of the former RNID and the plight of the deaf and Tinnitus sufferers. join us online at 19.30 BST - to join us simply use: Rotary E-Club of East Anglia's Weekly Zoom Meeting, read more...
Wed 7th December 2016 Breaking through the Glass Ceiling - Jennifer Jones RI Director
We hope you can join the eClub of Southern Scotland on Wednesday 7th December, 1900 GMT - This replaces our regular meeting. read more...
Wed 9th November 2016 EarthBound Misfits - Mark Atkinson
Earthbound Misfits Ltd is a workers cooperative and one of their founders Mark will explain to us his business and what they get up to. read more...
Wed 2nd November 2016 Life inside RI - Allan Jagger
Allan will give us an insight into RI and share experience in a number of key positions. including RIBI President read more...
Wed 26th October 2016 Flying for Life - Kevin Crook, Mission Aviation Fellowship
MAF uses planes to transform the lives of the world's most isolated people in need. read more...
Sun 31st July 2016 Ouse Washes Rotary Ride
Join us on 31st July 2016 to cycle one of three fun routes from the WWT Centre near Littleport Cambridgeshire read more...Mon 11th July 2016 Council online using meeting number: 378234989
Wed 6th July 2016 Handover
We will be handing over the baton of president to Jacqueline Whipp tonight read more...