Rotary Club of Denbigh / Dinbych - welcome!

Please scroll/swipe down through this page to find out more about us, in addition to the pages linked in the menu above.

Featured pages

A Spring Evening Walk

A Spring Evening Walk


2024 Youth Speaks competitors/ Cystadlaewyr Youth Speaks 2024

2024 Youth Speaks competitors/ Cystadlaewyr Youth Speaks 2024


St David's Festival Charity Concert

St David's Festival Charity Concert


Denbigh Carnival Junior RTB

Denbigh Carnival Junior RTB

A Successful day at The Denbigh Carnival

A new Rotary Year Begins

A new Rotary Year Begins


Marie Curie Collection

Marie Curie Collection

A collection for Marie Curie


About us

Croeso i Glwb Rotary Dinbych

                Welcome to the Rotary Club of Denbigh.                Mae Clwb Rotary Dinbych yn aelod o Rotary International, sef sefydliad o 1.3 miliwn o aelodau mewn 34,000 o glybiau sydd wedi'u lleoli ym mron pob gwlad yn y byd.

Mae'r aelodau yn rhan o rwydwaith byd-eang o wirfoddolwyr busnes, proffesiynol a chymunedol sy'n helpu i newid bywydau yn ein cymuned ni ein hunain ac mewn cymunedau dramor.

Ein prif arwyddair yw 'Gwasanaeth Uwchben Hunan' a mynegir hyn trwy ein prosiectau dyngarol. Ar yr un pryd, mae Rotary yn fudiad cymrodoriaeth, ac rydym yn gwneud yn siŵr yma yn Ninbych ein bod ni'n mwynhau ein hunain yn ein cyfarfodydd wythnosol, yn ein digwyddiadau cymdeithasol ac wrth i ni weithio ar ein prosiectau.

Rydym yn cwrdd fel arfer ar ddydd Mawrth am 6.45 am 7.00pm. Mewn llawer o'n cyfarfodydd, mae gennym ni siaradwyr diddorol yn cael eu gwahodd i siarad â ni gan aelodau'r clwb. Mewn cyfarfodydd eraill, mae gennym gwisiau, gemau bwrdd, cyfraniadau aelodau, neu rydym yn sgwrsio ymysg ein gilydd. Mae gennym hefyd raglen chwaraeon ac yn aml yn mynd ati i bowlio deg, bowlio gwyrdd, golffio neu fynd am dro. Fel gyda phob clwb, rhaid inni sicrhau bod y clwb yn cael ei redeg yn dda ac unwaith y mis mae gennym gyfarfod busnes.

Os hoffech wybod mwy, ewch i'r dudalen 'Contact Us' neu cliciwch ar y botwm "Join Rotary" a bydd aelod o'r clwb mewn cysylltiad a chi.

The Rotary Club of Denbigh is a member of Rotary International, an organisation of 1.3 million members in 34,000 clubs located in nearly every country in the world.

Rotarians are part of a world-wide network of business, professional and community volunteers helping to change lives in our own community and in communities overseas.

Our main motto is 'Service Above Self' and this is expressed through our humanitarian projects.  At the same time Rotary is a fellowship movement and we make sure here in Denbigh that we enjoy ourselves in our weekly meetings, at our social events and as we work on our projects.

We meet most Tuesdays at 6.45 for 7.00pm.  At many of our meetings we have interesting speakers invited to talk to us by members of the club.  At other meetings we have quizzes, board games, members' contributions or we just chat amongst ourselves.  We also have a sports programme and often go ten pin bowling, crown green bowling, golfing or go for  a walk.  As with every club, we have to make sure that the club is well run and once a month we have a business meeting at which there is also a great deal of fun to be had.

If you want to know more go to the 'Contact Us' page or click the 'Join Rotary' button and a member of the club will be in touch.

Charites Supported during 2018-19 as follows:

Welsh Air Ambulance 250.00                                    St Kentigern Hospice 250.00            

Hope House 250.00                                                    Denbigh Show 100.00                    

Denbigh Museum Trust 1580.00                               Pupil Travel sponsorship Urdd 100.00   

Clwb Pensiynwyr Llansannan 100.00                       Denbigh Town Football Club 500.00      

Wireless in Wales 100.00                                           Poppy Appeal 25.00 

St Kentigern Hospice 1031.14                                   Air Ambulance 1031.14

Dementia Friendly (Denbigh) 100.00                        Ysgol Plas Brondyffryn 300.00

Mary Dei 100.00                                                           DASU North Wales 100.00

St Kentigern Hospice 25.00                                        RFUK (money raised) 302.00

Denbigh Aged & Disabled 200.00                              Capel y Waen 200.00

Cylch Meithrin Ti&Fi Llanrhaeadr 200.00                  Sponsoring 'Egni' to Detroit 200.00

DenbighSafety Group 300.00                                      Student Educational visit 100.00     

Denbigh In Bloom (baskets) 60.00                             NEWCIS local Carers Charity 200.00

Alder Hay Hospital, Liverpool 334.00                          

Meetings & Venue

Where and when:

We meet on Tuesdays at 1845 for 1900

(No meeting after a Bank Holiday) Ruthin Rd.

LL16 4RD  01745 813377

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Rotary News

Be part of a global network of volunteers, trying to make the world a better place. Please also see the 'links & news' page for information from the local district and live feeds from Rotary International and Rotary International in GB&I.

Rotary serving communities through supporting foodbanks

Diversity is part of Rotary’s core values