Join our fun100th birthday celebrations, be entertained by Gavin Young and in doing so help Derian House
Accrington Rotary provides an opportunity to get involved in local and international community projects and meet like-minded people in your local area who want to give something back to society.
We undertake hands-on volunteering and fund raising activities in our community and share our professional skills to help other third world sector organisations and schools. Plus we have fun whilst we are doing it!
Our members mainly live and work in the East Lancashire area, however you can join our meetings from wherever you are as our meetings are 'hybrid' using the zoom platform.
We meet in the heart of our community at Accrington Stanley's Wham Stadium and we now work together with 'the Stanley' on a number of community projects.
Along with our project and fundraising work we also have an exciting programme of events and social activities.
To get updates on our work please visit Accrington Rotary Facebook page .
Would you like to be a part of Rotary? Then get involved with one of our projects or come along to one of our meetings or events. We look forward to seeing you!
Please contact the secretary via email:
Sat, Feb 15th 2025 10:00 am
Informal chat about what is currently happening about forthcoming projects - all welcome to drop in and find out more about us
We meet on Thursdays at see below
(Meeting on 1st Thursday is held at 1230, 3rd Thursday at 6.30pm and 5th Thursday varies. All meetings are held using a 'Hybrid' system (face to face or virtual). You are most welcome to join us. Contact the Secretary via email - Wham StadiumBe part of a global network of volunteers, trying to make the world a better place. Please also see the 'links & news' page for information from the local district and live feeds from Rotary International and Rotary International in GB&I.
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