Welcome to the home page of the Rotary Club of Minehead. See below for details of how Rotary is helping in our community

Featured pages

Morocco Earthquake Disaster - Street Collection

Morocco Earthquake Disaster - Street Collection

Rotarians will be in The Avenue, Minehead with collection buckets to ask the public to donate to the Morocco Earthquake Disaster.

46 Marathons in 46 Days

46 Marathons in 46 Days

Rachel Goodfellow, President of the Rotary Club of Sherborne Castle, ran from Minehead to Lynmouth on 18th & Minehead to Watchet on 19th raising money for Hidden Needs Trust. Club members supported her efforts.

Butlins Showcase

Butlins Showcase

Following Talk by Resort Director, Craig Goodwin, 2 members of the club were invited to tour the site.

Talk by Ukrainian Refugees

Talk by Ukrainian Refugees

Sarah-Jane Date, Minehead host, came along with 3 refugees, being hosted in the Minehead area, and talked about their journey to the UK and how rotary was helping them settle in.

Exmoor Challenge

Exmoor Challenge

Charity Walk - challenge between District 1175 and District 1200

Canal Boat Trip on the Tiverton Canal

Canal Boat Trip on the Tiverton Canal

The Rotary Club are holding a social outing with a Canal Boat Trip near Tiverton followed by a meal at a nearby pub.


About us



The 1st of July is when all Rotary Clubs across the world change their leadership teams and start their new Rotary Year.  In the case of Minehead Rotary Club we welcome in new President, Andrew de Mora.  Andrew has been a Rotarian since 2010 and came to Minehead Rotary Club from Brue Valley Rotary Club, where he was a founder member. But his involvement with Rotary started with Rotaract in the early 80's before moving on to Round Table gaining valuable experience in Community and International projects.

This year's Rotary theme is "The Magic of Rotary" and the club aims to use this theme to help our communities in and around Minehead. Food and Energy poverty are high priorities for the club as are homelessness, Young Carers amd Mental Health.

On the International scene putting and end to Polio and providing clean drinking water to those communities that suffer from not having access to clean drinking water are our priorities.

Recently we have established strong links with the "Rotary Club of Ndola", helping fund several projects in their local schools.  We will continue and expand our work in Zambia over the coming year.

Rotary is always in need of more members to help us provide and support the many projects we run.  Our club is open to all, and we have an active social side and will welcome any new individuals that come along to our fortnightly meetings on a Monday evening at the Northfield Hotel, Minehead.

By joining the 1.4 million Rotarians around the world you really can make a difference to so many lives.





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Meetings & Venue

Where and when:

We meet on Mondays at 18.00

(We meet on the 1st and 3rd Mondays in the month. Please contact Secretary re other Mondays No meetings on Bank Holidays) Northfield Rd.

TA24 5PU  01643 705155

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Rotary News

Be part of a global network of volunteers, trying to make the world a better place. Please also see the 'links & news' page for information from the local district and live feeds from Rotary International and Rotary International in GB&I.

Rotary serving communities through supporting foodbanks

Diversity is part of Rotary’s core values