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Meetings & Venue

Where and when:

We meet on Thursdays at 12.30pm

(Meeting day Thursday Time 12.30pm or 7.00pm We meet every Thursday 1st Thursday of the Month 12.30pm 2nd Thursday of the Month 7.00pm 3rd Thursday of the Month 12.30pm 4th Thursday of the Month 7.00pm Where there is a 5th Thursday there is no meeting.) Lairds House
40 West End Front St.
NE22 5UB  01670 823222

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Rotary News

Be part of a global network of volunteers, trying to make the world a better place. Please also see the 'links & news' page for information from the local district and live feeds from Rotary International and Rotary International in GB&I.

Rotary serving communities through supporting foodbanks

Diversity is part of Rotary’s core values