Croydon Whitgift Rotary Club - welcome!

Please scroll/swipe down through this page to find out more about us, in addition to the pages linked in the menu above.

Featured pages

Infant Sleeping packs

Infant Sleeping packs

This RI Foundation matched funding grant project provides 12 infant sleeping packs to the neediest new mothers locally during the Covid 19 crisis working with our partners Stripey Stork.



A description of the Club'f fun and fellowship activites

Community Service

Community Service

Our Community Service Activity Shop Window

WASH in Chennai Project

WASH in Chennai Project

Report on Foundation Global Grant Project to install sustainable toilet facilities in a school in Chennai

International Visitors

International Visitors

As part of our Rotary fellowship we welcome visitors from around the world.

Second Quiz Night of the year - November 2024

Second Quiz Night of the year - November 2024

Announcement of booking for our second Quiz Night this year in November 2024 - including event details and booking form


About us

The Croydon Whitgift Breakfast Club is designed for all of us who lead busy lives and wake up early, a perfect way to start the day, a great opportunity for networking with other professionals in business, local politics and voluntary organisations and a chance to make a difference.

We are a club of professional individuals based in the private and voluntary sectors, in the fields of accountancy, law, surveying, hotels and leisure, human resources and local politics to name a few. Why not come and like us on Facebook or follow Croydon Whitgift @networkista on Twitter to keep up with our activities.

Twice a month we meet for breakfast at 7.15 for 7.30 at the Cottage Room, Coombe Lodge, Coombe Road a little way up from the Lloyd Park tram stop. Our meetings are informal, informative, over by 8.30 and most importantly fun! On the alternate weeks we meet on Zoom at 8.00 am and again this is usually over by 8.30 am.

Our early morning start means that we are able to attract a wide range of speakers from areas such as the local council, local media, local charities, and interest groups and visitors from the UK and overseas.

What we do

Our activites are listed and illustrated under the headings of Community Service, Fundraising Projects, International Projects and Youth Projects but these activites are all underpinned by the enjoyment of fun and fellowship while preparing for and carrying out these activities and this is fostered through our weekly meetings and a range of other sociable activities.

Things you probably did not know about Rotary

  •  Largest charity in the world
  •  Have a presence in all disasters in the world
  •  Instrumental with the Bill Gates Foundation in almost eradicating Polio
  •  Has a world wide membership of over 1.2 million
  •  It offers the largest sponsorship and networking in the world
  •  Average age of members isn't as old as you think!

What about you?

We are eager to attract new members and have identified some of the benefits of membership of our club for people like you.

Still not sure - then bookmark our site or take note of our shorter address 

or follow us on Twitter or Facebook to see how we  actively use Twitter and Facebook to support local charities, local Rotary events and items of interest about Rotary International.

Our Social Media

find us on facebook

Meetings & Venue

Where and when:

We meet on Wednesdays at 0715 for 0730

(We meet here twice a month and on Zoom the other two Wednesdays at 8.00 typiclly for half an hour.) 104 Coombe Road

CRO 5RB  020 8686 2030

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Rotary News

Be part of a global network of volunteers, trying to make the world a better place. Please also see the 'links & news' page for information from the local district and live feeds from Rotary International and Rotary International in GB&I.

Rotary serving communities through supporting foodbanks

Diversity is part of Rotary’s core values