Mock Interviews for School Students

Report on the Club's "Mock Interviews" held at School.

Successful student receives her award.

In October 2014 students from the Five Islands School took part in mock interviews, a Rotary initiative carried out with the full co-operation of the School.

The Year 10 students had been invited to apply for a position in one of the following four fields of employment: Engineering; Animal Care/Welfare; Sport; and Music.  There were three mixed interview panels of three people.

The students were required to submit a job-application form and then sit for a ten-minute interview.  Points were awarded against their various skills, and these were totalled to arrive at the most qualified in each of the fields.  All the students were given a certificate to show that they had taken part, and the Rotary Club presented the four successful students with a

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Successful student receives her award.

Mock Interviews at School

back Mock Interview sessions.

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Loading I.T. equipment for shipping to Romania

Isles of Scilly Rotary Club's project to ship furniture and computer equipment to Romania.


Push wheelchair hire.
