Exmoor Challenge

Sun, Apr 14th 2019 at 8:00 am - 5:00 pm

2019 Rotary club of Exmoor annual challenge to District 1200

The 2019 Rotary Club of Exmoor Challenge

Supporting the Children’s Hospice South West

Sunday 14th April 2019

I am writing to invite your club members to take part in the 2019 Exmoor Challenge between Districts 1175 and 1200. Last year the event raised over £1000 with over 100 walkers competing.

Rotarians, their families, and friends from Rotary Districts 1175 and 1200 earn points for their District by completing either of two walks. The shield is currently held by District 1200 and has been for a while. The routes will be starting from Allerford Community Hall TA24 8HL from 0800 and passing through some of the most beautiful scenery on Exmoor.

Walkers over 18 pay an entry fee of £7. Walker’s under18 enter free, but an adult must accompany them. Dogs are welcome, owners must keep them under control. PROPER WALKING SHOES/BOOTS ARE ADVISED.

Would you please include this letter in your club bulletin and put the event in your club diary and also please publicise the event as widely as possible to increase the amount raised for the causes.

More details will be available during February with the routes, information and sponsorship forms available from the Exmoor Rotary web site. Meanwhile please register by e mail at - challenge@exmoor-rotary.org.uk

Yours in Rotary, Paul Kingdom - Rotary Club of Exmoor  

'What We Do' Main Pages:

Breaking down some stereotypes of Rotary

Sri Lanka Orphanage and Educational Centre part funded by the Rotary Club of Minehead.

An Orphanage in Sri Lanka was an original Rotary Club project started in 2008. Since then the club have continued their support. In 2015 the club funded a new toilet block and in 2022 funded a computer Lecturer and technician.


Club President, Angela, planted a Beech Tree in the Minehead Millennium Rose Garden, seaward Way, Minehead on 16th November together with a plaque from the club commemorating the Late HM Queen Elizabeth II.


Rotary club of Minehead joined forces with Minehead Lions to help collect funds for Marie Currie at Morrisons in Minehead

Mary Gray receiving a cheque from President Angela at the Beech Hotel, Minehead.

President, Angela Murray-Clarke met up with Lead Fundraiser, Mary Gray, at the Beech Hotel to present her with a cheque for £250 for the Childrens Hospice SW. Mary had travelled up from Barnstable to receive the cheque and appreciated all Rotary does.

President Angela Murray-Clarke welcoming our Ukrainian guests.

Sarah-Jane Date, Minehead host, came along with 3 refugees, being hosted in the Minehead area, and talked about their journey to the UK and how rotary was helping them settle in.

Clare Pound addressing the club

Club received a talk from Clare Pound of Home Start, asking for volunteers to help a new project "Dad Matters"

President Angela presenting cheque to Fiona Toms from the Guide Dogs

Club President, Angela Murray-Clarke, was pleased to be able to present a cheque for £250 to Fiona Toms of the Minehead Guide Dogs for the Blind.

West Somerset Food Cupboard

Club members are all making a monthly donation of food to the West Somerset Food Cupboard to help those in need locally

Club Teaming setting up the Display

Rotary Club of Minehead held a street collection in Minehead Town Centre to aid of the Turkey/Syria Earthquake Appeal and raised £1,200. Great Result

Rotarian Richard Perry and the seven Christmas Food Hampers.

Seven Ukrainian families seeking temporary shelter in West Somerset were each the beneficiaries of a Christmas Food Hamper provided by our rotary club with help from West Somerset Food Cupboard

Ukrainian Families enjoying a picnic in Watchet.

With District Grants available to clubs, the Minehead club has been able to help 15 local Ukrainian families with help to buy children's school uniforms; new cloths & transport around the county.

Rotarians Mollie & Geoff on car parking duties

Club members have supported the Vaccination centre at the Minehead Community Hospital on Saturdays & Tuesdays


Charity Walk - challenge between District 1175 and District 1200

President elect Angela and her team

In aid of the Minehead Museum
