Purple for Polio - Well done all, especially Chris Darlington

Sat, Nov 19th 2016 at 9:00 am - 9:00 am

Congratulations to all planters- 23,600 corms planted and £2,500 raised

Brigg Rotary Club want to say a fantastic big thank you to the following organisations who have helped to raise over £2,500 by buying 23,600

 corms that will cover Brigg and District with purple crocus blooms in February 2017.

Brigg TESCOs, DFS, Wrawby, Elsham,Worlaby, Hibaldstow and Scawby Parish Councils, Brigg Town Council, Vale Academy, Sir John Nelthorpe and Huntcliffe Secondary Schools,  Brigg, Kirton, Wrawby, Broughton, Hibaldstow and Scawby Primary schools, Hibaldstow Sky Diving Club, Uncle Henry’s, Mason Baggot & Garton Solicitors, Brigg Carers, Albert Street, Westrum Lane and Bigby High Road Residents, Nelthorpe Public House, Brigg B & M Store, Peacock & Binningtons, Brigg Kid’s Club, 2222(Brigg) ATC. Not forgetting all of the many individuals who have bought the crocuses as well!

Why purple? – Because it is the colour of the dye a child’s finger is dipped in once they have been given the vaccine.


Saturday, 19th November saw Brigg Rotary and many volunteers including Brigg ATC achieve a mass planting around Brigg of almost 9,000 corms. We managed to plant bulbs along all of the entrances to Brigg and also along the river bank and many grass verges beside Brigg roads and further afield.

All the money raised will buy vaccinations for Afghanistan, Pakistan and Nigeria where Polio is still endemic.

In 1988 polio blighted 125 countries and now there are only three counties that remain infected so hopefully it will soon be completely wiped out. Rotary Clubs worldwide have been working nonstop to immunize children since 1979 saving them from this paralysing disease.

Until Polio is completely wiped out Brigg Rotary Club will keep raising funds, so come along and support our Polio Christmas collection at TESCO on 15th December.

'What We Do' Main Pages:

Members of the Brigg Business Partnership Receiving Certificates of Thanks for their financial sponsorship


'Thank You' Certificate presented at Brigg DDM Estate Agents to Giles Johnson

Inaugural President of Brigg Rotary Club

Pictorial reference of Past Presidents

President Martin and his minders

Rotary District Disbility Games 2012 Hymers College, Hull


Brigg Rotarians are seeding the riverside walk near Lidals


Members have provided interview practice for students as they prepare for the next step in their education.


The Charity Banquet and Auction held at the Kar Restaurant, Brigg, raised £2,500 in support of Community projects locally and internationally.
