Schools Make Music 2022

SMM is back after an enforced break

Trinity are delighted to be back with Schools Make Music after an enforced absence due to the pandemic allowing children in West Norfolk the opportunity to perform in front of a live audience at the Corn Exchange in King's Lynn and what a night it was!

Some 200 chidren were involved ranging from the very young to senior secondary school students giving the audience the whole gamut of the musical spectrum from singing o playing keyboards,ukuleles, a steel band and glockenspiels to a full wind and percussion orchestra finale.

In addition , Daniel Jenkins, a flautist accompanied by Derek Oldfield on the piano gave short recitals during the interludes

Simon Rowe from Radio West Norfolk ably compered the evening and the whole concert was masterminded as always by our old friend Derek Oldfield who has helped us ever since Schools Make Music started

Even though the virus struck a number of our members at the last moment decimating our planned arrangements with the welcolme assistance of the King's Lynn Club the evening was a success

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Schools Make Music

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'What We Do' Main Pages:

Safety at the Coast

Teaching youngsters all the elements of safety

Beach Cleaning 18th April 2021

Our involvement in caring for our planet

Trinity with Marta & Ilenora and their bikes

What Trinity is doing to help


An overview of the Club

Sarah Harper Occupational Therapist using Ipad Mini

What Trinity is doing to help the community

For contribution to Schools make Music

In recognition of service to "Schools Make Music"

The Young Chefs ready for action

Mouth-watering dishes served up by wannabe top Chefs of the future

KES and Springwood teams Dec 13

KES and Springwood teams Dec 13

RYLA 2013

RYLA 2013


The Rotary Foundation

I-pad for Forward Day Centre

Community Service activities

Santa with his sleigh

Fund Raising


International activities

25th Anniversary Plate presented by Club Rotaire de Grenoble Sud

Trinity's 25th Charter Anniversary

President Jim Milne welcoming the High Sheriff

Visit to the Club by High Sheriff of Norfolk

Spirit of Norfolk at rest

Club members acquaint themselves with the work of the RNLI by a visit to Hunstanton Lifeboat Station
