Mumboules Fun Day

The combination of calamari, hog roast, real ale and live music blended perfectly with a great casual sporting event which ran smoothly and on time involving a large number of people of all ages and from all walks of life.

Mumboules Fun Day

The day went very well and a lot of people said some very kind and complimentary things about the day generally.  It did go well.

The atmosphere was really pleasant with all members of the public of all ages enjoying the event in the late summer sunshine.  The combination of calamari, hog roast, real ale and live music blended perfectly with a great casual sporting event which ran smoothly and on time involving a large number of people of all ages and all walks of life.  The sunshine was a blessing we can only be thankful for and it undoubtedly made the day which was important in our first year.  It was like the perfect village fete.

Both Swansea Bay and Mumbles Rotary clubs worked for hand in glove together and as usual, the true spirit of Rotary working in the community was evident.  If you didn't know it, Rotary does bigger things throughout the world such as being close to eradicating Polio from the planet, to name but one.  With over 2.2 million members if you are ever interested in joining this truly International community, please click the enquire link for more detail and give you some contact details.  I would recommend it.

 Our Leader - Organiser Paul James

The Mumboules Fun Day event has so far raised over £5,000 which is fantastic with more to come.

Red Card Ready

A sincere thank you to everyone who helped set up the evening before and the morning of the event.  Thank you to all the referees and scorers.  Thanks to The Lord Mayor of Swansea for coming along and donating and presenting a new trophy.  Special thanks must also go to Mike Snowdon of Douglas-Jones Mercer Solicitors Mumbles branch for offering to sponsor the event from the very start of the planning of the whole thing.

The last thing which remains for us to do is to thank each of the team captains for turning up on the day with their teams.  With the best organisation the finest food the greatest music and the tastiest beer, the event relies mostly on the teams turning up.  Please thank all of the players from us the two Rotary Clubs who organised this event.  Well done to everyone, the event was played out brilliantly with a great competitive and friendly atmosphere throughout the day.  It was a tall order to get 32 teams enlisted for a brand new event but it worked and I think from the feedback we have had, the event will certainly be repeated annually and you will naturally be invited back to take part next year.

Maggie AbbettContact Maggie Abbett about this page:

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