What are we up to? See our Facebook page!

See what the club is up to in the next few months.

In addition to our Bi weekly meetings the club is constantly involved in a whole range of social and fellowship events.These are always open to friends and family and if you would like to join us then ask any club member or contact via the clubs email address.

Forthcoming events


Some of the things we HAVE been doing..................

Bucket collection at ASDA 


    Club stall at Madeley  Charity Fair 



    President Philip, Rachel Waterson with the clubs new member Nicki Grant 



    Members of the club on a fellowship visit to Jodrell Bank in September

    'What We Do' Main Pages:

    The 2022 Young Musician competitors from Haberdasher Abraham Darby Academy.

    The club is involved in events which encourage and develop young people in Telford. Events include Young Chef, Young Musician and Youth Speaks. Photos of competitors at 2022 Young Musician & 2019 Young Chef competition.

    The club support Telford Crisis on an ongoing basis

    The Club are proud to support the Telford Crisis Support centre. Many congratulations in being awarded the Kings award to Voluntary service


    Steve Evans hands over the Presidential reigns to Rachel Waterson.


    The 2022 Campaign was another resounding success! Thanks to all who participated and those from the local Rotary clubs who gave up their time for such a worthwhile cause.


    See what the club is up to in the next few months.


    As the name Rotary International implies we raise funds for good causes overseas.


    Below is a selection of organisations we have hepled over the years.


    How about having fun while helping the local community? Come and SEE what we do.
