Overview of International and Foundation Activities in the Rotary Club of Norwich.
The Club is active in many International and Foundation Projects. These are sumarised below and further details on each activity may be found by clicking on the appropriate button to the left
Providing opportunies for young professionals to experience work opportunities and culture through the Group Study Exchange Scheme where teams of 4 young non Rotarians led by a Rotarian have the opportunity to visit another country for up to four weeks and experience how people in the host country, having similar professions, undertake their work.
more Rotarians Jim Black and Colin Rymill at Sainsbury's Longwater, Norwich.
more Rotary Club Of Norwich Twin Club Details
more Polio Eradication
more Rotary Club Of Norwich Service Internationally
more Group Study Exchange with Rotary Districts Overseas
(members only log in for more information)
more Ambassadorial Scholars
more Rotary Club Of Norwich Disaster Relief Involvement