The club was founded in 1973 and chartered on 10th January 1974. Memebrship is currently 26 + 1 Honorary member. Members' professions are wide and varied, although many have now retired from active business.
Each member of the club is allocated to one of the committees servicing the different activities of the club. The club administration and membership committee's role is to:
Each year a varied selection of speakers is arranged and this club year is no exception. Recent speakers have included Kara Craig, our candidate who participated in the GSE visit to Chile, Mark Gibson on the development of his property, the Craigengillan Estate, at Dalmellington, and Steve Rolfe (a director of the World Development Movement) whose subject was 'Gambling on Hunger'.
To aid recruitment of new members the committee has researched the benefits of introducing associate membership as a route to becoming a full member and proposals to adopt this are currently with the Club Council.
Fellowship with other clubs has always been a core part of the activities of Alloway Rotary Club and this year a visit to Charing Cross Club in Glasgow has been arranged. This is a lunch time meeting club which contrasts with our evening meetings.
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