We would welcome more men and women of all ages and backgrounds joining our Rotary club where they will find friendship and opportunities to use their time, talents, professional skills and energy to improve the lives of people in our local community and others around the world.
As Rotarians we work together to make a difference in our world and find that our combined efforts achieve more than working alone. But that does not preclude us as individuals being involved with other organisations or from raising funds for other good causes.
You too could be a Rotarian. Contact us to find out more.
We usually meet on a Tuesday evening but if Tuesdays are impossible for you then don't let that be a barrier, we can put you in touch with other local Rotary clubs.
more Rotarian Laurence Foster walked across the north of England to raise funds for Macmillan. Starting 16th August 2013, he travelled the first half of the coast to coast route around 100 miles.
(members only log in for more information)